
Proud to be trusted to remove the concern about damage to insulation from oil, water, and impact

When we think about protecting insulation on twin diesel engines we don’t always stop to consider that by protecting the system on the boats, we are ultimately protecting the passengers and crew that travel on them. The Panama Canal Commission recognized our ability to prevent damage from oil, water, and impact for their specialty launches that ferry pilots and personnel throughout ... Read More...

Sometimes a solution is just obvious. Repairing instead of replacing saves the day at a Waste-to-Energy plant

You know you have the right solution when a plant’s engineers and maintenance supervisor won’t even let you finish your presentation because they know you have a solution to an immediate problem. That’s exactly what happened. The presentation was stopped and the ENECON representatives were whisked away to the facility’s maintenance shop.

The back plate of a ...

Facilities engineers rescued from a potential nightmare replacement of leaking shower terrazzo pans with a simple, quick, and economical solution

Imagine being a facilities engineer at a world class university and the shower stalls in the student dormitories are leaking into the floors below. Do you replace the terrazzo pans on the bottom of the showers that are leaking? Not only would this mean pulling out the old pans, installing new ones, and then repairing tiles but it would be expensive…and you’d have to shut down ... Read More...

Severe Chemical Attack Problems Solved

Hearing the phrase chemical attack problems at the same time as chemical containment area is rather unnerving, and needs to be addressed.

A large U.S. based manufacturer of heavy equipment had just such situation in several chemical containment areas. These types of chemical attacks cause the concrete to erode away. Add the fact that containment areas are typically required by law ... Read More...