
Cylinder Rod Repair

This cylinder rod is a part of the boom lift cylinder assembly of the Crane H.R.T –Grove RT 755. It is 6’’ in diameter and 3.5 meter in length. The relieve valve is adjusted to 2500psi. The chrome plated shaft experienced advanced pitting and the client needed to find a quick solution. Apart from the pitting, the chrome plating which was recently repaired, had failed at ... Read More...

Digester Tank Cover Repair

Digester tank covers are placed on top of wastewater digester tanks and float on top of the liquid inside the tanks. The digester tank cover at this waste water treatment facility experienced corrosion damage over time due to the caustic nature and environment. Instead of a costly ($200,000) replacement, ENESEAL CR was applied after removing the old coating. Thus saving the facility a ... Read More...

Intake Pipe Repair

Major problems can cause catastrophic damages to a facility’s operations. The accumulative cost of: repairs, labor, and downtime can add up.

This 24 inch diameter intake pipe, located at a U.S. Power Plant, was leaking above the ground just below the disc valve. The plant’s maintenance engineers needed a proven, reliable and economical solution to fix this ... Read More...

Outside Storage Units

Outside storage units are in the elements 24/7. There are many factors that can cause any type of outdoor unit to be damaged. Rain, salt, sand, chemical spillage and impact are just a few examples of how any outdoor storage unit can incur damage. During the summer time, some units can be almost unbearable to enter due to the high temperature inside.

These storage units were ...

New Study by the American Road & Transportation Builders Association

If you ever have driven over an old bridge and take a look around, you would probably see some type of corrosion. Bridges are in the elements 24/7, 365 days a year. Environmental factors and impact wear away the structural integrity of a bridge over time. With some many of our nation’s bridges built many decades ago.

A new study by the American Road & Transportation ... Read More...

Repairing a Pressurized Tank

Equipment that we don’t walk pass or see every day may sometimes have issues that go unnoticed or unchecked for quite some time. It is a good idea to have a monthly, or at least a quarterly, inspection on all of you equipment to see if any repairs or service is required.

The ENECON team received a call from a hospital. Their pressurized tank needed repair after suffering ... Read More...

Francis Turbine Vane Repair

Hydroelectric power is a very efficient power generator and is a great source for renewable energy. In America, every state uses hydropower for electricity, and some states use a great deal. In fact, over 70 percent of Washington State’s electricity comes from hydropower.*

Efficiency is key when generating power via a hydroelectric plant. One problem that can cause a ... Read More...

Dog Kennel Repair

Accidents happen….especially if you happen to be a puppy or a dog. The flooring at a dog kennel suffered extreme deterioration after years of urine seeping through the grout and beneath the tile surface. It was time for a new flooring solution…..one that was: washable, anti-slip, and urine and detergent resistant.

After workers removed the damaged tile, DuraFill was ... Read More...

It’s smooth sailing ahead for mariners who used CHEMCLAD® SC instead of traditional hull protection methods

Long Island, home of the ENECON® headquarters, is surrounded by water so there is a lot of boating of all kinds. Taking care of a boat that is affected by weather and salt water is no small project, and is not inexpensive either. We heard a story of being at a “Blessing of the Fleet” ceremony and hearing someone yell out, “I need to coat my bottom this year, give me ... Read More...

Which is better: removing a roof and replacing a tank or repairing it instead?

What does it take to make a maintenance manager say, “Repair – Don’t Replace®”?

Picture this: You’re the maintenance manager at a steel plant and you are facing having to tell your company that you have to remove a roof of a building, use a crane or helicopter to remove a tank, and then replace it with a new one. This would have cost hundreds of ... Read More...

Motorcycle plant doesn’t let damaged concrete hold up the line

A motorcycle production plant had an interesting problem. During the manufacturing process the motorcycles are transported within the plant in carts that travel along metal tracks on concrete. They had an incident where some hardware was dropped and the cart then dragged it along the floor, putting deep grooves into the concrete floor. After that the carts would get ... Read More...

A school district gets an A+ for repairing the school roof instead of replacing it

With back-to-school in mind, we decided to share this story about a school district that had a challenge. A 100 year old school had a leaking roof and to replace it would have meant a lot of money and voting for a bond. As you can imagine, the voters would not have been happy about the expense. The facilities manager contacted ENECON and showed us how the water had been coming through the ... Read More...

A “Repair Don’t Replace” Story: Transit line fixes roof water penetration problem with Eneseal coating instead of replacing the roof of the train.

A metropolitan transit line that carries thousands of riders each day was having a big problem with water penetrating into the passenger area of their cars. It would cost about $40,000.00 to replace the roofs and would also take about a month each. A new car was not an option because that was about 2-3 million dollars.

The Director of Technical Services asked us if we could help. ... Read More...