MT-163 - Office Building Drain Pipe Repaired with DurAlloy and Protected with CeramAlloy Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC, DurAlloy |
Office Building |
Drain Pipe |
MT-162 - Municipal Storm Water Drain Pump Repaired and Protected With CeramAlloy Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC, CeramAlloy CP+AC |
Municipal |
Water Drain Pump |
MT-161 - After 4+ Years Of Service In An Alumina Refinery, CeramAlloy CBX Is Still In Excellent Condition Featured Products: CeramAlloy CBX |
Refinery |
Calciner Screws |
MT-160 - ENECON Provides Emergency Repairs with CHEMCLAD, DurAlloy and CeramAlloy to Paper Mill Water Box Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC |
Paper Mill |
Chiller Water Box |
MT-159 - Cooling Tower Pipes Are Salvaged With METALCLAD & ENESEAL Featured Products: DuraWrap, ENESEAL CR, SpeedAlloy QS |
Hospital |
Cooling Tower Pipes and Electrical Cabinets |
MT-158 - New Screw Conveyors are Protected with CeramAlloy CBX Featured Products: CeramAlloy CBX, CeramAlloy CL+AC |
Activated Carbon Plant |
Screw Conveyors |
MT-157 - Repair Shop Uses CeramAlloy To Repair, Not Replace Pump Impeller Destined For The ‘Bone Yard’ Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC, CeramAlloy CP+AC |
Water Treatment Plant |
Pump Impeller |
MT-156 - Outdoor Fountain at Pennsylvania Landmark Building is Repaired with CeramAlloy CL+AC Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC |
Restaurant |
Outdoor Fountain |
MT-155 - U.S. Navy Selects CeramAlloy HTP & HTL (High Temperature Composites) to Repair Uptake Hatches on Vertical Missile Launch Systems Featured Products: CeramAlloy HTL, CeramAlloy HTP |
U.S. Navy |
Uptake Hatches |
MT-154 - One Of Florida’s Oldest Wastewater Treatment Plants Uses DuraWrap & DuraQuartz To Salvage Sludge Discharge Pipes...Saving $500,000 Featured Products: DuraQuartz LW, DuraWrap |
Wastewater Treatment |
Discharge Pipe |
MT-153 - Industrial Manufacturer Specifies METALCLAD & FLEXICLAD For New & Used Blower Casings Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC, DuraTough DL |
Cable Manufacturer |
Blower Casings |
MT-152 - CeramAlloy Used To Repair and Protect 35 Year Old Chiller Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC, CeramAlloy CP+AC |
Office Building |
Chiller |
MT-151 - METALCLAD Repairs Leaking Sewage Pipe Couplings Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC, SpeedAlloy QS |
Waste Water Treatment |
Pipe Coupling |
MT-150 - One of the Largest Fertilizer Plants in Romania Salvages Broken Wastewater Pipe Saving Tens-of-Thousands of Dollars Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC, DuraQuartz, DuraWrap, ENECRETE WP |
Fertilizer Plant |
Wastewater Pipe |
MT-149 - Prestigious University Protects 3,700 Ton Chillers with CeramAlloy Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC |
University |
Air Conditioning Chiller |
MT-148 - Francis Turbine Wicket Gates Repaired and Protected with CeramAlloy Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC, CeramAlloy CP+AC |
Hydroelectric Plant |
Francis Turbine Wicket Gates |
MT-147 - CeramAlloy Solves Panama Canal Tugboat Pump Corrosion Problem Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC, CeramAlloy CP+AC |
Panama Canal |
Tugboat Pump |
MT-145 - Romanian Wastewater Treatment Facility Repairs Impeller Shaft with DurAlloy Featured Products: DurAlloy |
Wastewater Treatment Facility |
Impeller Shaft |
MT-144 - CeramAlloy HTL Used to Repair & Protect High Temperature Pulp & Paper Mill Rollers Featured Products: CeramAlloy HTL |
Corrugated Carton Manufacturer |
High Temp. Pulp and Paper Mill Rollers |
MT-142 - Wastewater Treatment Facility Brings 25 Year Old Pump Back To Life With CeramAlloy Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC, CeramAlloy CP+AC |
Wastewater Treatment Facility |
Pump |
MT-141-DuraWrap-Repairs-Power-Plant-Cooling-Tower-Supply-Line.pdf Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC, DurAlloy, DuraWrap |
Power Plant |
Cooling Tower Supply Line |
MT-140 - Preventative Maintenance with CeramAlloy Protects Intake Spools on U.S. Navy Cargo Ship Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC |
U.S. Navy Cargo Ship |
Intake Spools |
MT-139 - After 10 Years in Service on a 680 ft. Alaskan Fish Processing Ship CeramAlloy Coated Pump Impellers Look Like New Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC, CeramAlloy CP+AC |
Fish Processing Ship |
Pump Impellers |
MT-138 - CeramAlloy Used to Repair Fishing Boat & Tug Boat Propeller Hubs Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC, CeramAlloy CP+AC |
Fishing and Tug Boat |
Propeller Hubs |
MT-137 - 60 Year Old Francis Turbine Casings Are Saved By DuraWrap Featured Products: CHEMCLAD XC, DurAlloy, DuraWrap |
Power Station |
Pump Casings |
MT-136 - Tugboat Operator Selects CeramAlloy to Combat Erosion/Corrosion on Their Kort Nozzles Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC |
Tugboat |
Kort Nozzles |
MT-135-Australian-Waste-Gas-Cleaning-Plant-Exhaust-Stack-Protected-with-CeramAlloy.pdf Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC |
Waste Gas Cleaning Plant |
Exhaust Stack |
MT-134 - 12 Massive Circulating Pump Casings at this Nuclear Power Plant Were Repaired and Protected with CeramAlloy Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC |
Nuclear Power Plant |
Pump Casings |
MT-133 - 11 Years & Still Counting...CeramAlloy Continues to Protect Aircraft Carrier AFFF Stations Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC |
Aircraft Carrier |
AFFF Stations |
MT-101 - CeramAlloy Continues to Protect AFFF Stations on this Aircraft Carrier for Over 5 Years Featured Products: CeramAlloy |
US Navy |
AFFF Stations |