Hydrostatic Pressure Leaks Stopped
ENECRETE WP and ENECRETE WS Stops Hydrostatic Pressure Leaks In Underground Vaults
CeramAlloy CBX Outperforms Rubber Liner
After Four Years, CeramAlloy CBX Outperforms Rubber Liner Inside Submersible Pump
Damaged Staircase Repaired at University
DuraFill, DuraGrip & ENECLAD WBC Are All Used To Repair Damaged Staircase At Western U.S. University
Water Treatment Pump Impeller Repaired
Louisiana Pump Repair Shop Uses CeramAlloy To Repair, Not Replace Pump Impeller Destined For The 'Bone Yard'.
Water Treatment Pipes Repaired & Protected
ENECON’s DuraWrap Carbon Fiber Pipe Wrap System Repairs & Protects Large Water Treatment Plant Pipes
Gray Water Tank Protected
An Australian Aluminum Can Manufacturer Protects a Steel Gray Water Tank With CeramAlloy
Casino Protects Cooling Tower Pipes
An Atlantic City casino close to the Atlantic Ocean protected their cooling tower pipes using ENESEAL CR
Hotel Restores Pump Room Floor
A prestigious San Francisco hotel chooses ENECON to restore their pump room floor protecting it for years to come.
Metal Storage Building Still Protected
Years later this metal shed was still in service and looks as good as it did the day it was originally protected.
Heat Exchangers Protected and Repaired
CeramAlloy Repairs Corrosion Damage & Provides Protection on Saudi Arabian Heat Exchangers
Protecting Cooling Water System Components
U.S. Navy Selects METALCLAD CeramAlloy To Protect Critical Cooling Water System Components
Canadian Fish Hatchery Protected
A Canadian Fish Hatchery Repaired and Protected by ENECRETE, ENECLAD and CHEMCLAD is still perfect 10 years later.